
Showing posts from April, 2019

🌹 Fitness Challenge for April

🌹 Fitness Challenge for April Cycling or Leg Raises Shape up your bum, thighs, legs, and hips doing some leg raises OR go ride your bicycle this week! JOIN OUR MTH LET'S GET PHYSICAL COMMUNITY GROUP   JOIN OUR MTH DAILY FITNESS CHALLENGE

🌹 Fitness Challenge for April

🌹 Fitness Challenge for April Bridge Stretches Shape up your bum, thighs, legs, and hips doing some bridge stretches this week! JOIN OUR MTH LET'S GET PHYSICAL COMMUNITY GROUP   JOIN OUR MTH DAILY FITNESS CHALLENGE

➳ Making Changes in Your Life

Self Awareness Making Changes in Your Life We have three previous posts that leads up to this mission. Our final mission for the remaining of April is to use all the information we gathered in the previous weeks and make changes in our lives. Using your journal you will put your information into three categories. Category One : Things about my life I already accomplish Category Two: Things in my life I wish to improve Category Three: Things in my life I want to add or bring back For the remaining of the month you will work on a personal chart with all the characteristic and things you want to change in your life and set up a road map to make those changes. Keep in mind to prioritize these changes and work on them one at a time. Join Life is a Journey Community Group Today.

➼ Step in Time

➼ Step in Time Walking Challenge for April Join us at Mom's Tiki Hut for some fun walking challenge. Report your daily walking steps at the Hut Forum to win a MTH Step in Time Water Bottle. You can also join us for some other challenges in our Community Group . Get your shoes on and go for a walk!

Happy Easter

Happy Easter from Mom's Tiki Hut Community

➼ Shaping Up Your Bum

This week we are focusing on bridge to tone  your legs, thighs, hips, stomach and bum. Of course our main focus is to firm up our bums. ➼ Shaping Up Your Bum - Projects Profile - Mom Tiki Hut

🌹 Fitness Challenge for Apr

🌹 Fitness Challenge for April Leg Lifts Shape up your bum, thighs, legs, and hips doing some leg lifts this week! JOIN OUR MTH LET'S GET PHYSICAL COMMUNITY GROUP   JOIN OUR MTH DAILY FITNESS CHALLENGE

➳ Exploring Your True Self

Self Awareness Digging Deep into Your Life This week we are focusing on exploring our true self. This includes all the good and bad things about who we are. Enable to improve our own well being we have to be honest with who we are and how we appear to others. This week you will map out all the things about you that describe you and your qualities. There will be three categories. How others see you or describe you. How friends and relatives see or describe you. How you describe yourself. It is important to list your qualities and characteristics truthfully so that means there may be some negative characteristics listed. So for example I might say I am short tempered, procrastinator, lacking empathy at times, or always late. Do not forget to list your good qualities too! List your characteristic in order from highest to lowest. So if your highest quality is you are a procrastinator put that on top. Use this list to determine what part of your characteristic you need t...

➼ Step in Time

➼ Step in Time Walking Challenge for April Join us at Mom's Tiki Hut for some fun walking challenge. Report your daily walking steps at the Hut Forum to win a MTH Step in Time Water Bottle. You can also join us for some other challenges in our Community Group . Get your shoes on and go for a walk!

➼ Shaping Up Your Bum - Leg Lifts

 Do some leg lifts this week! ➼ Shaping Up Your Bum - Let's Get Physical

🌹 April Fitness Challenge

🌹 Fitness Challenge for April Side Lunges Shape up your bum, thighs, legs, and hips doing some side lunges this week!   JOIN OUR MTH LET'S GET PHYSICAL COMMUNITY GROUP   JOIN OUR MTH DAILY FITNESS CHALLENGE

➳ Self Value

Self Awareness Your Self Value This week we will be focusing on gathering personal self value from three different perspectives. First is how others view you and your values, your friends and family, and how you view your own values. You will use this information to gather the keywords that make you valuable. In addition to finding your strongest values this project will also help you determine values you want to improve or add to your life. Join us this week in our community group how you can improve your self awareness by seeking your own self values. Join Life is a Journey Community Group Today.

➼ Step in Time Walking Challenge

➼ Step in Time Walking Challenge for April Join us at Mom's Tiki Hut for some fun walking challenge. Report your daily walking steps at the Hut Forum to win a MTH Step in Time Water Bottle. You can also join us for some other challenges in our Community Group . Get your shoes on and go for a walk!

➼ Step in Tim

➼ Step in Time Walking Challenge for April Join us at Mom's Tiki Hut for some fun walking challenge. Report your daily walking steps at the Hut Forum to win a MTH Step in Time Water Bottle. You can also join us for some other challenges in our Community Group . Get your shoes on and go for a walk!

Self Awareness in April

 This month we are going to explore who we are, where we came from, and where we want to be. We will work through some lessons and challenges to help us through this journey. There will be articles and blog posts to help walk us through this process with quotes and reminders. Step into the path exploring your life journey. Self Awareness in April - Mom Tiki Hut

➳ Your Life Timeline

Self Awareness Explore your Life Timeline This week we are going to focus on your life timeline as far back as you can remember. The project includes drawing out a timeline of your life things and events that took place that made you feel free, alive, joyful, and complete. Our goal is to find all the good things in our lives that made us feel whole and free. For more in depth description of this project - join us in our Life is a Journey Community Group.