Building Your Life

Building Your Life Life is a Journey We are focusing the month of March brainstorming what makes us feel alive. When we do things that make us feel happy and alive we are building positive meaning in our lives and those around us. So far we have focused on the following: 1. What makes us feel alive? How do we apply these events in our lives? 2. Live life with a meaning. Being alive means your life is fulfilling a meaning. 3. Are you alive in your career? You spend a great deal of your life working. Your career should make you feel alive. 4. Appreciate your life and reflect each moment with positive thoughts Today we are going to focus on targeting our lives as our own. What we should not do is live our life to please others. Define our lives to what others think we should be. Your life should be what you want it to be. Diversity is a good thing and each of us are supposed to be unique, one of a kind, our own personal characteristics. Your life should be yours to own, b...