➳ May Resilience - Peaks and Valleys


Peaks and Valleys

This is an interesting project idea to outline your life terrain structure. This project could help you focus on areas that need more work with resilience in specific areas of your life.

We are going to do draw some mountains, flat lands, and valleys. This will be designed in a timeline format. Draw out your life in the timeline format using mountains, flat land, and valleys to show your life struggles and perks.

Mountain: Highlight of your life where you have succeeded, accomplished something great, overcame hardship. It can be a small mountain or big mountain for something you worked hard to achieve.

Flat Land: These are generally between the mountains and valleys. They are times in your life where you are in the middle. Keep these parts brief and short.

The Valley: Valleys will be the times in your life you struggled and felt some hardship. They can be very deep valleys or mild low valley depending on how deep the event impacted you.

Take a photograph of your project and share with us!

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