
დ Parenting Challenge

Parenting Challenge Win a $25 Gift Certificate to Target The next drawing will be held on May 30, 2020 You can win a gift card by participating in the Parenting Group. Here is how you can win. 1. Join and Like the Group () 2. Read the Sticky Post for the Monthly Themes and Activities () 3. Post about your assignments in the topics That is all! All you have to do is be active and post! *Minimal Requirement to Win* 1. You must post a minimal of 12 replies, topics, or comments 2. You must be currently active in the group within 30 days and post in the Drawing Sticky Post in by May 30th. Be sure to invite your friends to participate and interact. Parenting is hard work! Use this gift card to treat YOURSELF something nice!

☼ Go Green Challenge

Go Green Challenge Win a Reusable Shopping Box/Bag The next drawing will be held on April 30, 2020 You can win a personalized bag by participating in the Earth Friendly Group. Here is how you can win. 1. Join and Like the Group () 2. Read the Sticky Post for the Monthly Themes and Activities () 3. Post about your assignments in the topics That is all! All you have to do is be active and post! *Minimal Requirement to Win* 1. You must post a minimal of 12 replies, topics, or comments 2. You must be currently active in the group within 30 days and post in the Drawing Sticky Post in by April 30th. Be sure to invite your friends to participate and interact. . These boxes/bags are the best! Easy to balance your goods in.

♨ Recipe Challenge

The Recipe Challenge Win a Personalized Apron The next drawing will be held on March 30, 2020 You can win a personalized apron by contributing to our Recipes section. Here is how you can win. 1. Add your favorite recipes in our collection () 2. You will receive an additional entry in the drawing when you add your own recipe and photos That is all! All you have to do is be active and post! *Minimal Requirement to Win* 1. To qualify you must post a minimal of 12 recipes (one per month) - You must give credit to the original author of the recipe with the chef name and link to the recipe - To receive an additional entry in the drawing you must give yourself credit using original work (recipe and photos) 2. You must be currently active in the group within 30 days and reply to this post you want to be in the draw by March 29th. Be sure to invite your friends to participate and interact. .

➳ Life is A Journey Challenge

Life is a Journey Challenge Win a Personalized Journal The next drawing will be held on February 28, 2020 You can win a personalized journal by participating in the Life is a Journey activity posted monthly. Here is how you can win. Winners are chosen in February. 1. Join and Like the Group ( Join Now ) 2. Read the Sticky Post for the Monthly Themes and Activities ( Read Here ) 3. Post about your assignments in the topics That is all! All you have to do is be active and post! *Minimal Requirement to Win* 1. You must post a minimal of 12 replies, topics, or comments 2. You must be currently active in the group within 30 days and post in the Drawing Sticky Post in by February 30th. Be sure to invite your friends to participate and interact. Send Invite Today .

≛ Fitness Challenge

Fitness Challenge Win a Personalized Yoga Mat The next drawing will be held on September 30, 2019 Here is how you can win. 1. Join and Like the Group () 2. Read the Sticky Post for the Monthly Themes and Activities () 3. Post photos/videos or share your exercise progress 4. Members that create their own exercise videos for the group will earn double points! That is all! All you have to do is be active and post! *Minimal Requirement to Win* 1. You must post a minimal of 12 replies, topics, or comments 2. You must be currently active in the group within 30 days and post in the Drawing Sticky Post in by September 30, 2019 3. You must post in the reply that you want to join the challenge. Be sure to invite your friends to participate and interact.

❁ Wellness Challenge

Wellness Challenge Win a Spa Kit The next drawing will be held on August 30, 2019 Here is how you can win. 1. Join and Like the Group () 2. Read the Sticky Post for the Monthly Themes and Activities () 3. Post about your assignments in the topics That is all! All you have to do is be active and post! *Minimal Requirement to Win* 1. You must post a minimal of 12 replies, topics, or comments 2. You must be currently active in the group within 30 days and post in the Drawing Sticky Post in by August 30, 2019 3. You must post in the reply that you want to join the challenge. Be sure to invite your friends to participate and interact. .

❣ Games and Events Challenge

Games & Events Challenge Win a Gift Cards The next drawing will be held on July 30, 2019 You can win a target gift card. Here is how you can win. 1. Join and Like the Forum () 2. Visit the forum daily and play the games and activities That is all! All you have to do is be active and post! Games & Activities Drawing Each month we tally up the scores and place names into the drawing. Seasonal winners will win graphics awards for 1st-3rd placement plus name in the drawing. 1st place = 3 cards in the drawing. 2nd place = 2 names in the drawing. 3rd place = 1 name in the drawing. Gift Cards Issued in July One winner will be given a $25.00 gift card ( drawing ) $5.00 gift card to our third place overall winner $10.00 gift card to our second place overall winner $15.00 gift card to our first place overall winner Points are collected per game and participation and recorded in our spreadsheet. We tally up the overall points per player at th...